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Version 2.25.0

Release Notes - Version 2.25.00

Released on 3.5.2023

Feature Highlights

Save functionality for Design Canvas

Currently the user loses all the unsaved changes on the Design Canvas, if they move to another canvas and then come back to the Design Canvas. With this new feature, we have added the validation step before the user navigates away, thus avoiding any potential loss of work.

Bug Fixes

  • New backend management for apps
  • Fix nc (no connection) of electrical pin types being omitted when exporting to eagle schematics
  • Solve conflict problem between components using different sets of gates from a same library
  • Failure for wires on the bottom in case of 2 layers without routing (If the CUBO has wires on the bottom, and project has only 2 layers then export fails)

Version 2.24.0

Release Notes - Version 2.24.00

Released on 19.Apr.2023

Feature Highlights

Custom Fields deprecated for generic components and categories

The CELUS Standard no longer supports custom fields, so these have been removed for generic components and categories.


Junction Points on Schematics

Converter handles junction points for improved net mapping on schematics.


Surface Mounted Devices across multiple layers (Altium)

Converter handles surface mounted devices that are applied across multiple layers of the board.

Optimized data service Migration check

When files are loaded via our data service, they are run through a series of checks to determine whether the implementation needs a migration to the latest version, often resulting in timeouts. This check has been optimized for better performance.

Bug Fixes

  • Board Shape Canvas handles component pairs mapped to the same edge
  • BOM Preview Canvas lists all components for larger circuit designs
  • Design Canvas now handles design blocks with special characters in their name
  • BOM Preview Canvas main/alternative components filter working as expected
  • Individual change request view no longer cuts off information at the bottom of the screen
  • Can download unconverted CUBO CAD files from the CUBO create-edit wizard
  • Pagination displays the correct page number when navigating through long results tables
  • Minor performance and display fixes


  •  Text within layouts is aligned as expected within the canvas
  • Altium vias that are not connected to any nets are now imported

Version 2.23.0

Release Notes - Version 2.23.00

Released on 22.03.2023

Feature Highlights

Sorting of Specification values and other Assets/Definitions

Sorting functionality has been added to the New Orbit tables for Assets and Definitions. This will help the users in the better selection of assets/definitions to be viewed and thus not getting overwhelmed by the amount of information that is being displayed.

Export functionality

We have added the asset export functionality in Orbit through which the users will be able to export and download the assets that are available in their organization library. This will help the users to be able to better manage the asset data according to their own needs.

  • Removed tooltips on Board-Shape Canvas

Bug Fixes

  • BOM Modification: Part number instead of description


  • Harnesses ports label size fix
  • OS CUBOs with soft modules enabled
  • Fix the Eagle file import with Buses without labels
  • Custom fields are displaying in Specifications
  • ‘Cancel’ icon is displaying in sharing pop up in all resources
  • User is redirecting to resource page when click on ‘Sign In Again’
  • Private resources are not shown
  • ‘Refresh Icon’ is not working as expected in all resources
  • ‘Send Request’ button is displaying in enabled mode even with no modification
  • Multiple records are getting created while saving Subsystem
  • Label names are not displaying when hover mouse on label icons
  • Unable to view ‘Delete’ icon for files
  • Fixed lazy loading in embedded from
  • Data-testid are not there for side menu links
  • Fixed the horizontal alignment of tabular list
  • Unable to view last field’s data display message clearly at bottom
  • ‘Select All’ check box is updating when user clicks on it and cancels modifying column settings in any resource
  • Header row column alignment
  • ‘Links’ tab under text is not displaying properly
  • Unable to download CAD files after uploading
  • Inappropriate message display in sharing pop up
  • Fix routing issues
  • Pagination bug
  • Fix sharing default value for RDK resources
  • Unable to view matched search results
  • Request being displayed in ‘Pending’ state
  • Page being displayed n loading state

Version 2.22.0

Released on 22.03.2023

Feature Highlights

CAD layer selection

In order to simplify the CAD layer stackup issue, we would like to introduce a  new 'layer Selection' feature  on project settings. This will allow the user to restrict the layers of the CUBO to 2, 4 or 6. The UI changes will include the Layer selection filed in project settings and notification to the user regarding change in the layer stackup.

CAD layer selection in Project settings


Error Panel Introduction

With this feature, the users are able to see and analyze the errors and warnings in order to be able improve and automate the content creation process against the design rule checks in place. The main idea is to have easy to spot errors and the messages should guide the user towards resolving these errors intuitively. 


BOM Modifications

This feature will allow the users to change the components with alternatives, directly on the BOM. Components can be selected based on the user preferences like preferred manufacturer, resulting in a BOM which is better curated to user needs.

Bug Fixes


•       CUBOs can not be replaced with the alternatives inside the hierarchical subsystem

•       Fix Floorplanner 2.0.0 moving position of Modules on initialization

•       BOM descriptor error for CUBOs with one component that was removed


•       Shifted offset pads in Eagle layout

•       Ports missing from pdf

•       Fix SVG Borders on pdf generator

•       Explicit font for labels fails to import on Eagle

•       Import class information for signals in ICAD and export it to Eagle layout

•       Do not use the package3d as a library identifier

•       Fix inconsistency between brd and sch where the device points to a different package name

•       Fix keys with underscore being dropped in the data service response for ICAD Data

Version 2.21.0

Released on 08.03.2023

Feature Highlights

Welcome dialogue box for the platform

A welcome page for the newly registered users has been released. This feature is a part of unboxing package and helps the user in getting more information about the product.

Improved APIs

Improve security and performance for APIs.

Bug Fixes

  • Remove redundant columns in BOM export
  • Feature switch for Workspace selection 
  • Welcome attribute returning Internal Server Error

Version 2.20.0

Released on 22.02.2023

Feature Highlights

Redesign of CUBO PCB section

Users see the Soft Layout switch directly after the Edge Alignment. This allows them to clearly see the effect on edge alignment when activating the soft layout setting.

New layout for the PCB section in the CUBO create/edit form

New layout for the PCB section in the CUBO create/edit form


Bug Fixes

  • Any changes to RDK resource change requests are no longer auto-approved. Change Requests proceed again through the change review process for these resources, as expected.
  • Fixed the buggy visual links in Subsystems.



Version 2.19.0

Released on 08.02.2023

Bug Fixes

  • Removed PCB Specifications as a blocker for CUBO creation
  • Fixed the issue with blocks positioning on the Design Canvas

Version 2.18.0

Released on 25.01.2023

Feature Highlights

  • Introduction of the CELUS Standard

The CELUS Standard is a new structure for electronic asset information.

The first version of the CELUS Standard standardizes the category structure, and asset unit specification. At present this is a backend change that makes it easier in the future to maintain library data, and to easily pull in data from different sources.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues with pads for Autodesk Eagle
  • Fixed issues with transformers in the case of pads and vias

Version 2.17.0

Released on 21.12.2022

Feature Highlights

Hierarchical BOM: Display hierarchical BOM information on BOM preview

BOM, or bill-of-materials, is a list of digital assets which contains the information about the type and quantity of all the components being used in a specific design.

With the release of this feature, we have embedded the configuration options in the BOM preview table. This feature will enable the users to have a desired view of the BOM and hide the unnecessary elements so that they are not distracted by the extra information.


BOM preview table with configuration options

Version 2.16.0

Released on 07.12.2022

Feature Highlights

Hierarchical BOM: Display hierarchical BOM information on BOM preview

BOM, or bill-of-materials, is a list of digital assets which contains the information about the type and quantity of all the components being used in a specific design.

With the release of this feature, we have implemented a tree structure functionality with the help of which we are able to display the hierarchical structure of Design blocks, CUBOs and components.

Hierarchical BOM: Display alternative information on the existing hierarchical BOM

This features allows the user to do a better selection of CUBOs without the need for trial and error, by displaying a main CUBO along with top three alternatives that are available within a single Design block. The user is able to change the selection of the main Subsystem or CUBO directly from the BOM preview.  


BOM preview table with hierarchy and alternatives

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed search on the Admin panel for resources
  • Fixed user creation validation

Version 2.15.0

Released on 23.11.2022

Feature Highlights

Hierarchical BOM: Visualization of current BOM on BOM Preview using Table capabilities

BOM, or bill of materials, is a list of digital assets which contains the information about the type and quantity of all the components being used in a specific design.

With the release of this feature, we have successfully changed our design system to improve the user experience on visualizing the BOM. This enables us to unlock more powerful features and customization options in the near future. 

Hierarchical BOM: Sorting & filtering capabilities

Hierarchical BOM will show us the detailed tree view of components, CUBOs and design blocks, and how they are related to each other.

Since the number of components can increase to large quantities and it can be difficult for the user to search for components, the new sort and filter functionalities have been implemented to simplify the search for the desired component data.


BOM preview table with filtering and sorting capabilities

BOM preview table with filtering and sorting capabilities

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with user not able to find search resource on manage requests
  • Fixed issue with missing ‘Specification Value Type’ option in ‘Specification Types’ page
  • Fixed issue regarding changes made to CUBO port being shown in current state of ports
  • Fixed issue regarding filters for BOM preview table


Version 2.14.1

Released on 09.11.2022

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with missing Subsystem specifications in the design canvas
  • Fixed issue with No unit display option when No unit ischosen
  • Fixed issue regarding CUBO slot alternatives in subsystem canvas
  • Fixed help button overlap for custom buttons
  • Fixed broken permission UI  




Version 2.14.0

Released on 26.10.2022

Feature Highlights

Validations on subsystem creation

Subsystems are complex digital assets that allow you to expand the reusability of your CUBOs through another layer of abstraction. It enables the mix-and-match of CUBOs to a much more granular level.

Creating great subsystems may be a bit more difficult if it is your first time doing that. For that reason, we added more validations directly in the canvas, so that anyone can quickly understand the important points and create high-quality subsystems.


Validation on the CELUS Subsystem canvas


Validation on the Subsystem canvas


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with some search parameters and operator Not Equals on advanced searches
  • Fix of soft CUBO migration for CUBOs without uploaded layout file




Version 2.13.2

Released on 12.10.2022

Bug Fixes

  • Users can add specifications on categories multiple times
  • Blank page is being displayed when user adds certain specs while editing CUBOs, components and virtual components
  • Fix the support for “+” sign in the search field
  • Selecting a new CUBO for CUBO slots on subsystems is not updating the CUBO information
  • Users being redirected to blank page when clicking on 'Edited by' on change history of any resource


Version 2.13.1

Released on 28.09.2022

Bug Fixes

  • Download of schematics may fail without the generation on the Board Shape canvas
  • No matches found being displayed for specific advanced search queries, even when data is available
  • Some specifications cause components to not be displayed when creating links to Virtual Components
  • Blocks can be locked out of Board Shape canvas and prevent compilation
  • Change requests automatically rejected when certain specifications are being added to CUBO
  • Directives not being properly exported for Altium schematic files
  • Issues with Softmodules with edge alignment properties
  • Generation of softmodule alternatives is taking too long
  • Unmatched CUBO results being displayed on hierarchical canvas after compilation in some cases
  • Blue and warning icons disappearing after clicking on the block
  • Unable to see uploaded files  in some cases
  • Overlapping text on Board Shape canvas blocks
  • Whenever the file conversion on upload fails, UI still shows loading

Version 2.13.0

Released on 26.08.2022

Feature Highlights

Workspace filters for data visualization

As a user with several Workspaces on your data portfolio, it is not always easy to identify to which Workspace a certain CUBO or Component belongs. With the Workspace filters, you can select only the relevant Workspaces for a certain search, and make sure you just find items within those Workspaces.


Support for design directives on Altium schematics

Design directives are a helpful feature from Altium Designer that allows engineers to preset some design constraints for design verification or to simplify the communication with other team members, for example PDB designers. Now, the platform supports the import and export of schematics containing design directives without loss of design information.


Schematics showing design directives


Schematics from Altium showing design directives (in red)


Bug Fixes

  • Placeholder CUBO contains the wrong category setting
  • Saving projects is enabling the workspace selection for legacy projects
  • Converter fails when parsing design files where net names are only numbers
  • Manage requests page is loading for too long
  • Fix for special characters in the name of blocks which break the block search
  • Some users see a blank page when checking the change history of resources
  • Oversized designators on Altium PCB layouts


Version 2.12.0

Released on 20.07.2022

Feature Highlights

Workspace selection of projects

By selecting an appropriate Workspace list on your project, you can control exactly from which Workspaces you want the solutions from your project to be loaded from. This feature gives you fine-tune capabilities to consider only approved CUBOs or CUBOs from a certain group of manufacturers.Configuring the Workspace selection filter on CELUS Supernova Project settings

Configuring the Workspace selection filter in Project settings


Bug Fixes

  • Failure to download PDF for some projects after generation
  • Generated PDFs are not getting filenames updated
  • New CUBOs used on Board Shape canvas generate warnings
  • Some Subsystems are not appearing as solutions after compilation


Version 2.11.0

Released on 06.07.2022

Feature Highlights

Support links between Components and Virtual Components

Virtual Components are generic instances that can be used by hardware engineers to create an electronics design without the need to look for a proper off-the-shelf components on the market.

Now, library or component engineers can link several real off-the-shelf components to Virtual Components, with a pre-defined preference order set by drag-and-drop, to enable a generic design to be transformed into a proper BOM for purchasing.

Even if the first option is not available on the market, procurement will know the second and further preferred options from engineers, and will be able to proceed with purchasing without the need for further alignment.

Linking Components to a Virtual Component and reordering them in CELUS Orbit

Linking components to a Virtual Component and reordering them



Design Considerations 

Design Considerations are a helpful resource that can be created in form of questions that prevent engineers from forgetting important design aspects while setting technical attributes on a Design Block, depending on its category. Now, the assigned Design Considerations are displayed on the Design Canvas whenever the engineer selects the corresponding category, reducing the chances of something being skipped or forgotten.

Design Considerations for the Differential Amplifier category in CELUS Supernova

Design Considerations for the Differential Amplifier category


Bug Fixes

  • Softmodule Alternatives not generated for older CUBOs
  • Layout files not being updated on certain situations on Board Shape canvas
  • Description on link between virtual components and components is not matching
  • Errors on Board Shape canvas without the generation of layout
  • Optimal placement of CUBOs not working properly (soft modules)



Additional resources

Next Steps for Automating Your Electronics Design Process

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