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Upcoming events with CELUS you don’t want to miss

CELUS is kicking off the event season with a highlight: Intel Innovation

While at this time of year, many of you are probably still enjoying their summer vacation, we marketers are already knee-deep into event preparations. Here at CELUS, we have 3 major shows coming up, the first one being Intel Innovation in San Jose, CA.

Today, I have asked Tobias Pohl, our CEO, about our history with Intel and his engagement in the upcoming show.

Tobias, we are an Intel Ignite acceleration program alumni and also, this is not the first time CELUS is participating in the Intel Innovation event. What is the type of relationship we have with Intel?

"We were in the very first batch of the Intel Ignite acceleration program in our hometown Munich and through this got in touch with several parts of the overall Intel organization. We worked very closely on improving different parts of our platform and our overall business process.

After the Intel Ignite cohort had finished, we continued the discussion and are working towards partnering with Intel more directly. “

How will our customers as well as Intel benefit from this collaboration?

“The major benefit for everyone working with the CELUS Design Platform will be having amazing chips from Intel with corresponding reference designs on our platform. Especially in IoT and products with smaller production runs this is a major improvement for their workflow and reduces the risk of making design mistakes when working with such highly complex components.

For Intel, providing their chips on our platform will mean great exposure to the global engineering community. They will gain CELUS platform insights into the design needs of their customers and receive direct feedback on usage of the Intel microchips. This is a huge business benefit for a lot of the component manufacturers we are already working with.”  

As a startup, what value do you see in participating in events like this? Do you think the Tech Showcase exhibition area is a great idea?

“Intel Ignite is, to my mind, one of the best deep tech accelerator programs. They always adapt around our needs and the team can go very deep into technologies. These events themselves are the perfect place to connect with even more people from Intel and the overall industry.”

Tobias, you are also participating in one of the panels. What’s the topic all about?

"If I only knew! That’s the beautiful dynamic of panels – you are given a high level topic and are sitting there with those awesome SMEs, and you never know where the discussion will be heading – until you are actually having it. So, honestly, I am only assuming at this point, that we will be touching on these topics:

    • No datasheets
    • Fully digital databases
    • Working in high abstraction layers
    • Automated design."

For those readers new to our software – no matter if enterprise customers or component manufacturers – and who are planning to go to California, should they reach out to arrange a meeting with you there?

"Absolutely. We will have a booth in the Intel Ignite zone on both exhibition days and will be happy to give you a full demo. We already have a couple of meetings arranged so far, but we still have bandwidth to meet up for a coffee outside of the showfloor, too. So please, do reach out!"

And those who are not able to make the trip to California, how would you recommend they learn about the value of the CELUS Design Platform?

"You can also always reach out to request a demo. However, we also have some more events coming up, such as Light & Building in Frankfurt, Germany in October, and Electronica in Munich in November."

Thanks, Tobias, for the information – and you, our readers, for your time!


“Vision of the Future” Track at Intel Innovation

Panel: 3 new technologies to optimize your hardware development flows (IFF013)

  • Moderator: Alois Eder, CTO, Intel Ignite Europe
  • Tobias Pohl, Founder & CEO, CELUS
  • Tal Ben Porath, CTO, Cady
  • Florian Grigoleit, CEO, Modelwise

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