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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Sports Benefits at CELUS

Working, meeting friends, spending time with the family, doing household chores and staying fit – it often feels like for the everyday life, you can only choose a maximum of three. Understandably, sports can often be put on the back burner even though it is proven that even a little regular activity has positive effects on physical and mental health. So, the HR team wants to support the CELUS team to tackle one’s weaker self.

Run with CELUS

Nikolett Sztakhó is our HR manager and in charge of company culture and coordinating the CELUS sport offer. She explains: “We want to strengthen team cohesion in general and support each other to make sport a fun activity.” She has organized the CELUS teams’ participation in the most recent running event: Wings for Life. The entry fee of this run goes to spinal cord research – so, it was not only a fun and sporty Sunday activity, but also one with purpose: with the CELUS participants alone, €600 have been donated. “Our requirement for an official team event is having a meaning and no limitations on participation. Everyone should be able to take part, regardless of age, sportiness or any other personal factors”, says Nikolett. CELUS supports the participation in events by creating an internal communication channel for forming a team, preparing together, sharing best practices, managing all the logistics, taking over the starting fees and offering some goodies, like running shirts.

Many Options to Stay Active

Another fun sporting event is a soccer match against CELUS’ office neighbors Joyn. High-tech versus media company – who will take the win home? For sure, a second round is already in planning no matter the outcome. “The goal is to improve mood, boost confidence and give great motivation to share the experience with others”, Nikolett says, “how would that work better than with outdoor team sports?”.

However, if you prefer working out alone or if you are just not interested in running or soccer, the CELUS-supported health and wellness membership via eGym Wellpass provides an opportunity to stay fit and healthy for everyone. With this membership, you can attend lots of different activities like yoga classes, gyms, climbing halls, etc. across the whole city of Munich (and even in whole Germany). There are already some smaller self-organized groups forming for such activities – together it is just more fun.

Do you want to run with CELUS? Check our open positions.

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