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The Demo gives an overview about the opportunities the CELUS Engineering Platform offers electronics engineers.

What is the CELUS Design Platform?

What is the CELUS Design Platform?

Curious about what exactly is the CELUS Design Platform?  CEO Tobias Pohl explains what is our platform about.
What differentiates the CELUS Design Platform from an EDA tool?

What differentiates the CELUS Design Platform from an EDA tool?

Decoding the Distinction: CELUS Design Platform and EDA Tools! Wondering what sets our platform apart from an EDA too? Know more from our CEO Tobias Pohl.
What is the CELUS Design Studio?

What is the CELUS Design Studio?

The CELUS Design Studio is where the magic happens! It turns your system architecture into a schematic at the push of a button. Hear more from André, one of our co-founders at CELUS!
How does CELUS Design Studio generate schematics out of a block diagram?

How does CELUS Design Studio generate schematics out of a block diagram?

In the CELUS Design Studio, every aspect of a block diagram can be seen as a requirement," says André Alcalde, one of the CELUS co-founders. In this video, he describes what types of information are used to describe your system and to be turned into a schematic using AI and optimization
When and how was the idea for the CELUS Design Platform born?

When and how was the idea for the CELUS Design Platform born?

Birth of the CELUS Design Platform!💡 Know the story behind the innovation with our CEO Tobias Pohl.
What is a CUBO?

What is a CUBO?

Unlocking the Future of Datasheets: What is a CUBO? - Unveiled by our CTO, Alexander Pohl! Deep dive into CUBO use cases
With which frequency the CUBO Library is updated?

With which frequency the CUBO Library is updated?

Our CTO Alexander Pohl speaks about how often do we update our CUBO library. Talk to our CUBO expert today!
Is any special training required to use CELUS Design Platform?

Is any special training required to use CELUS Design Platform?

Is there any Special Training Required to use CELUS Design Platform? Discover how easy it is to get started and whether you need any specialized training to harness the full potential of our cutting-edge electronics design platform. Tune in and empower your electronics design journey!

CELUS Design Platform: Technical Requirements

CELUS Design Platform: Technical Requirements

What technical requirements does your system need to run the CELUS Design Platform? Explained by our Director of Strategic Development - André Alcalde.
Where does the information to create CUBOs come from?

Where does the information to create CUBOs come from?

CUBOs are knowledge-enriched modules with all the vital information about an electronic component for engineers to develop hardware. Our CTO Alexander Pohl explains the source of information to create CUBOs in this video.
Who creates CUBOs?

Who creates CUBOs?

CUBOs are the datasheets of the future! But who creates them? Our CTO Alexander Pohl explains it in this video.

Where do we use AI in CELUS Design Platform?

Where do we use AI in CELUS Design Platform?

Exploring the Role of AI in CELUS Design Platform: Join André Alcalde, Director of Strategic Development, as he delves into the integral role of Artificial Intelligence within our platform. Discover how CELUS Design Platform leverages AI to go from Though to Circuits in Record Time!
Wie man ein Projekt erstellt

Wie man ein Projekt erstellt

Jetzt loslegen! In diesem Video erfahren Sie, wie Sie ein Projekt in der CELUS Engineering-Plattform erstellen, um Ihre Reise zu beginnen.
Was ist das Board Shape Canvas?

Was ist das Board Shape Canvas?

Dieses Video zeigt, wie Sie das Board Shape Canvas in der CELUS Engineering-Plattform verwenden.

Wie Sie zu Ihren Projektdateien gelangen

Wie Sie zu Ihren Projektdateien gelangen

Sie möchten ein Projekt abschließen und die Projektdateien erhalten? So funktioniert es!

Cubos - CELUS Engineering-Plattform

Cubos - CELUS Engineering-Plattform

Lernen Sie unsere Custom User Blocks kennen. Cubos helfen Ihnen Ihr Projekt zu meistern.

Wie Sie CELUS Cubos in Ihrem Projekt verwenden können

Wie Sie CELUS Cubos in Ihrem Projekt verwenden können

In diesem Video lernen Sie, wie Sie ihre persönlichen Cubos erstellen und in Projekten nutzen können

Zusätzliche Ressourcen

Ihre nächsten Schritte zur smarten Elektronikentwicklung

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